NexCaliber Structures is the premier source for engineering, manufacturing and managing your next custom mezzanine or platform. From robotics to advanced storage and retrieval systems, NexCaliber can provide the ideal platform to accommodate your mix of material storage, flow and picking technologies.
Our proprietary platform design system allows for fast and flexible layouts and design. Our team provides the in-depth understanding and expertise required for optimal integration with your material handling equipment, systems and workflow.
- Parcel Transit – Our mezzanines and platforms are engineered to both optimize workflow and maximize the use of space at a package handling or distribution hub.
- E-Commerce, Distribution and Fulfillment – Whether a small business or a large online store, our platform systems allow you to easily manage inventory and orders efficiently with greater space and capacity.
- Auto Store Systems – Our free-standing platform systems provide essential space for robotic fulfillment operations and maintenance access while holding up to the rigorous demands of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) vehicles.